Omni Exam Blessing


To boost Omni youths performance for their upcoming exams, we conducted an exam blessing session last Sunday to supplicate to Manjusri, Bodhisattva of Wisdom and Guan Yin Bodhisattva for good grades.

Furthermore, we were honoured to have Venerable Jonathan joined our session to share with the youth the benefits of supplicating to Bodhisattvas and he also encouraged them to do well in their exams.


Omni was launched in 2020. Its name is derived from the six-syllable mantra, “OM Ma NI Padme Hum,” and signifies one who is omniscient and knows literally everything, just like the Buddha. Adrian, Brian, Chieng Yee, Hiuyan, Liang See, Jasmine, Rachel, Richard and Xiu Jian guide the class, which comprises a group of secondary school students, along on their journey to great wisdom and compassion.


End of Exams Chill Session For The Omni Youths


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