S1-4: Ice-Breaker

We started off with the game of “2 Truths 1 Lie” where the youths shared three statements about themselves, two of which were true and one was false. Through sharing information of themselves, the youths got to know one another better and some of them were able to find common ground. It was also interesting to see how the youths choose to present themselves, and how others perceived them.

Next up was the “Memory Game”, where each group was given 30 seconds to view 30 objects and remembered the objects and colors. Then, each group was given 5 minutes to write down as many objects and colors they can recall. The memory game was a great exercise in paying attention and remembering details. It was also a good opportunity for teamwork and collaboration, as the groups worked together to remember as many objects and colors as possible.

Finally, we played “Find, Run and Tic-Tac-Toe”, a fun and engaging game to get the youths moving and active. Each member of the group used a pair of chopsticks and picked up a paper with one of their team members’ names. Then the member ran to the Tic-Tac-Toe grip and dropped the paper and ran back to pass the chopsticks to their group members. Group 1 and 3 were able to complete two sets of Tic-Tac-Toe successfully. This game helped the youths to have strategic thinking and teamwork, as the group members needed to work together to win the game.

Overall, this session was a great way to bring the youths together and start building a sense of community. We hope they had a lot of fun and that the experience will help them to form lasting connections with each other.


S1-4: March Games and Movie Session


S2: What kind of leader am I now?