S2: What Are Great Leaders Made Up Of? (Part 2)

In this week's Omni lesson, our dynamic group of secondary two students delved into the essence of leadership, exploring the final four virtues that define a great leader: Empathy, Respect, Learning Agility and Ability to delegate. Through compelling examples, the class embarked on a journey of discovery and understanding.

  • In a heartwarming scenario, a friend opens up about the daily challenges with her mother's constant nagging. Demonstrating empathy, I refrain from passing judgment and wholeheartedly acknowledge her perspective, fostering a supportive connection.

  • Leadership doesn't negate the need for respect towards others; in fact, it emphasizes it. A true leader cultivates respect, recognizing its role in building trust and nurturing meaningful relationships within the team.

  • A leader, wise and compassionate, sheds the cloak of ego. Instead, gratitude becomes their guiding light, acknowledging and appreciating those who have contributed to their journey. This reciprocal kindness becomes the cornerstone of genuine leadership.

  • The transformative power of respect and gratitude is evident in a leader's ability to influence others. Minds are shifted, and inspiration is sparked as leaders foster an environment of positivity, encouraging growth and collective success.

As the session wrapped up, the kids had fun playing the rock-paper-scissors game and a Tower Defense Game to test what they learned.


S3: Why Should I Practice Patience?


S1-4: July Games and Movie Session