Sec 1-4: Story of Venerable Atisha

This lesson, we invited Brother Joshua to share with the Omni Youths about the Story of Venerable Atisha. Before his sharing, a mentimeter word cloud was conducted to find out what the youths think when they see the word ‘Prayers’.

Brother Joshua then goes on to introduce Venerable Atisha and a Zoom poll was launched to ask the youths who they think Venerable Atisha was in his past life. Furthermore, they learned about the three jewels and why we should supplicate to them only. Subsequently, a second mentimeter word cloud was conducted to see how the youth’s perception of ‘Prayers’ changed after his sharing.

The session ended with a Q&A session via Zoom Chat and Padlet, followed by a short group prayer session led by Brother Joshua. We hope that the youths have gained new and valuable insight on making supplications to the three jewels, just like what Venerable Atisha did.


Sec 1-4: April Games & Movie Session


Sec 2: Are All Leaders Good Leaders?