Sec 1: The Blind Men And The Elephant

The youths first watched a video “Too Quick To Judge“ that tells us that our understanding of an issue or even the world is based on what we see, hear, feel or know. However, it is limited and may not represent the entire truth. Insisting on what we think is right may lead us to further distress.

In the next activity, each person received a unique image. All the images they received are a tiny cropped out portion of an item. The youths tried to guess what is the mystery item but to no avail. From this activity, the youths can only see the item from a limited perspective, thus none of them could see the full picture. Hence, to be happy, we need to understand that we have limits to our understanding of any situation, so we should not assume the worst of others.

The youths were then presented with 2 scenarios that each lead to 4 different thoughts, emotions and behaviours. This tells them that there are many angles and perspectives to each issue. We can choose to look at the brighter side of things in every issue.


Sec 2: What Makes A Leader A Leader


Sec 3-4: To Lead Others, First Know Yourself (Part 1)