Sec 2: What Are Great Leaders Made Up Of? (Part 1)

In this week's Omni lesson, the secondary two youths understood the five good qualities of a leader - Ability to delegate, Integrity, Self-awareness, Learning agility and Courage - through being given examples for each of the qualities.

- School teacher delegates students to take up important roles such as class monitor/monitress.

- Despite requests from the whole class for the teacher to kill the insect, the teacher shows integrity and courage by not conforming to the opinion of the majority and choosing to do the right thing instead.

- Capturing the insect carefully and releases it outside the class.

- A leader showing self-awareness by recognising their own feelings and thoughts, how their words and actions would affect relationships, and to work on their weaknesses such as anger to make better decisions.

- When a baby is crying, parents will find out what is the reason behind it and to resolve the issue such as feeding the hungry baby, thus showing learning agility.

The youths also tried to share what they think about the good qualities of a leader. Lastly, the lesson was concluded with the emphasis that without these qualities, the leader will not be able to carry out his/her role - they will not be able to motivate and mobilise their followers to get to their goals.


Sec 3-4: The Dos & Don'ts Of A Leader


Sec 1: Back-To-School (June Session)