Sec 3-4: What Is The Most Important Job Of A Leader?

The Secondary 3-4 youths went through a recap of the 10 qualities of a wise and compassionate leader at the start of the lesson. Using a series of pictures, they brainstormed on what a leader should look like.

To challenge their thinking, the youths further contemplated on how they would lead in a scenario where they were the leader of a school project. The youths were asked how they would react if they were met with a few unexpected circumstances and uncooperative team mates during their project discussion.

From this session the youths learned that as a leader they may be faced with unexpected circumstances that they are unable to control such as punctuality of their team mates. The only way that a leader has control to change the circumstance is to first manage themselves.


Sec 1-4: On Keeping Good Company


Sec 2: Not YOLO; Infinite Life, Infinite Hope