Sec 1-4: On Keeping Good Company

Last Sunday, we invited Sister Yuxuan to share with the Omni youths about the benefits of spiritual friendship.

Firstly, the youths were asked to think about their ideal friendship. They shared on Padlet about an anime, book or movie which reminds them of their ideal friendship. On Padlet, the youths also described someone who they consider a true friend in their life.

Next, there was a storytelling session about a Buddha story that highlights friendship is the most important element in the spiritual path. Yuxuan then explains what is spiritual friendship from her point of view.

Lastly, the youths listed similarities between their current friendship and the kind that Buddha described. They also posted their takeaway from this session and what they can do to be a spiritual friend of someone.


Sec 2: Introduction To Buddhism


Sec 3-4: What Is The Most Important Job Of A Leader?