S1-4: Exam Popi Popi

End of year exams is just round the corner and to calm the youths’s mind from feeling stress, we conducted an exam popi popi session for them. The session started with the youths sharing their exam wishes on padlet. Next, the youths took refuge to the three jewels and supplicated sincerely for help to clear away their negative karma and obstacles.

Then, the youths listened to a story of how a monk eventually succeeded in his studies even though initially his results were not up to his expectation. From this story, they learned the importance of having faith in Manjusri Bodhisattva. After listening to the story, the youths made light offering to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas with sincerity and gratitude to seek their blessings for their exams to go smoothly.

Lastly, the youths chanted Manjusri Bodhisattva mantra, Prajna Paramita Sutra and Avalokiteshvara bodhisattva heart mantra for their blessings to attain the perfection of wisdom.


S2: Why Is Buddha A Great Leader? (Part 3)


S1-4: Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations