S1-4: Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations

Today, the Omni youths have a pre Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations at monastery. We kick start the celebration with an ice-breaker when we get the youths to share how their schools will celebrate the mid-autumn festival.

In the next segment, the youths played ‘Figure The Figurine’ game where they formed into team and take turn to sculpt a figure based on the previous youth’s figurine. The last youth in the line will guess the word based on what the last youth sculpted.

For the last segment, the youths did a lantern making and wrote aspirations on their lanterns. Afterwhich they went down to level one to hang their own lanterns. We hope the youths have an enjoyable time celebrating this traditional festival.


S1-4: Exam Popi Popi


S1: OMAK Teachers