S1-S4: Omni Graduation and Wisdom Youthnited Sharing

Today graduation ceremony and Wisdom Youthnited sharing was truly inspiring and memorable. The programme was filled with engaging and fun activities that kept everyone entertained throughout the day.

One of the highlights was Dao Ci Fashi's sharing, where he encouraged the youths to always share their problems with their parents and to express their love towards them. It was heartwarming to witness one of the graduates, Jon Ian, telling his mother that he loves her on the spot.

The Wisdom Youthnited monitors also shared their life stories, which were truly motivating and helped to motivate the youths. The ice breaker games such as scissors paper stone & Nemo were also a lot of fun, and helped to break the ice and get everyone involved.

The graduation ceremony itself was a beautiful moment, as the graduates received their certificates and gifts from their Omni teachers. It was also touching to hear the graduates share their biggest takeaway from Omni. Lastly, everyone came together to offer lights, pizzas, and dessert for Mandala offering.

Overall, it was an amazing event and a great way to celebrate the achievements of the graduates. We look forward to seeing them embark on their next phase of the learning journey with Wisdom Youthnited, and we wish them all the best in their future endeavors.


S3: Making A Difference: What Will I Be In 2023?


S1-4: March Games and Movie Session