S3: Making A Difference: What Will I Be In 2023?

Today was a wonderful session filled with activities that encouraged the youth to learn and grow.

The class began with an icebreaker activity called Whacko, which helped the students to get familiar with each other's names. They then went on to share the problems they faced when transitioning from Secondary 2 to Secondary 3 by writing them on post-it pads. The Omni Teachers also discussed the 2023 curriculum and shared how the learning topics can help the youth overcome their problems they are currently facing.

One of the most exciting activities of the day was the Scavenger Hunt, where the youth had to guess clues through riddles and find them. This activity led them to contemplate why they want to come to Omni. They also watched a video of a lady setting her goal of tree planting at the coastline to understand the importance of having important goals and how to achieve them.

Another team-building activity called Cross the River required the students to work together to cross an imaginary river by stepping on rocks without touching the water or falling off the rocks. This activity reflected on the importance of leadership.

Lastly, they had a reflection session where they shared the one thing they learned today. Overall, it was an inspiring and engaging day for the youth, and may they continue to learn and grow in future sessions.


S2: Not Yolo- Infinite life, Infinite Hope


S1-S4: Omni Graduation and Wisdom Youthnited Sharing