S3-4: Why Leaders Should Have Joyous Perseverance?

At the start of the lesson, the Secondary 3-4 youths watched a short clip of The story of "The Tortoise and the Hare" came to life when the two animals were placed side by side to race each. As expected, the rabbit started off strong but laid back towards the middle of the event and watched as the tortoise slowly, but surely, won the race. The youths learned from this clip that as a leader, they may be faced with challenges but it is important to be like the tortoise and continue to have joyous perseverance.

Next, we introduced the youths the idea of joyous perseverance which includes armor-like perseverance, gathering virtue and acting for the welfare of others. They watched three videos which relate to these three points and answered questions on zoom. The youths also learned on the benefits and faults of not practicing joyous perseverance.

Lastly, we shared with the youths how to practice joyous perseverance. We hope that from this lesson the youths will be able to practice joyous perseverance and keep on going while still having a smile on their faces.


S3-4: Overall Conclusion


S1: How Should I Listen To My Teachers (Part 1&2)