S3-4: Good Leader vs Inspirational Leader

From the previous two sessions, the secondary 3 to 4 youths learned on the importance of generosity and pleasant speech as a leader. Today, we shared with the youths how good leaders set a goal that fits the members in their team.

At the start of the session, the youths watched a video of how Remy a rat is a role model who inspired a vision to lead other rats and people to cook a great dish at the restaurant. Next, they watched another video of Kageyama a high-caliber volleyball setter who demonstrated his bossy way towards his team mates. Through Kageyama’s behavior, the youths were able to observe that he was not a role model.

Lastly, we hoped that the youths are able to learn that generosity, pleasant speech, inspiring a common vision and do it together are part of practicing good leadership to get people to follow them and get supporters.


S2: Managing Stressful Situations


S1-4: August Games Session